We are Sales force experts and speak fluent nonprofit. From the first steps in the sales process through the final line of code to our ongoing support, we meet each clients unique requirements, timeline, and budget. We help clients focus on improving their services by internalizing their strategic vision and configuring the appropriate technology solutions.
Cloud Computing has been one of the hottest buzzwords over the last few years but surprisingly we have been using it for more than 10 years and whether you realize it or not, you are using it as well. Gmail, Face book, Drop box, Skype, PayPal, and Salesforce.com are all examples of cloud solutions.
Our goal is always customer elation and we believe in a relationship-based delivery model. We move forward with a project when we have full executive commitment, we act as advocates for you and or organization within Google and Zoho, and our proven Change Management program makes the transition to new technology fun rather than scary.